This time has prompted us all to think deeply about the world we want to live in, and The Mural Project created a forum and community for participants to speak and act against injustice of all kinds, and create new visions for our shared future. The final digital mural was made by a remarkable community and now belongs to the community, and it is a poignant expression of the times, embedding themes of racial justice, food security, mental health stigma, police brutality, the pandemic, social action, disability advocacy, and love.
SOCIAL ARTIST LEAD: Melanie Schambach
"Societies and the environment are facing extraordinary challenges while the speed of change is faster than ever. New methods of engaging people, radical collaborating, and courageous processes that uplift the spirit through self-discovery, are some of the ways to contribute to positive change. I aim to challenge and re-discover the narratives of who we are, how we belong on the earth, and what is our shared responsibility."
For more on Melanie's work, visit here.